9510 Orion Ct. Burke, VA 22015 Tel. (703) 455-0801


services (n.) A commercial enterprise that provides work performed in an expert manner by an individual or team for the benefit of its customers.  The typical service business provides intangible products such as consulting, training, human resource strategies, etc.

Rouse Consulting is uniquely attuned to the needs of our customers, always sensitive to the challenges they face on a day-to-day basis with having to accomplish more with ever shrinking resources. We understand and accept this reality to serve you. We take pride in consistently providing outstanding services at a cost that maximizes the level of effort you can attain with your limited resources.

Our ability to work smartly and efficiently does not compromise our quality processes in place to deliver our services to you on time, within budget exceeding you expectations.

Rouse Consulting Quality Control Process
Rouse Consulting implements a Quality Management System (QMS) consistent with the ISO 9001:2000 standard, included in the ISO 9000 series. The standard specifies requirements for a QMS that demonstrates the ability to consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements. Rouse Consulting developed and implemented a QMS in order to document the company’s best business practices, better satisfy the requirements and expectations of its customers and improve the overall management of the company. This plan leverages Rouse Consulting’s investment in quality planning.

Quality Record Control
For each task awarded to the Rouse Consulting Team a Quality Assurance and Control Plan (QACP) will be put into place. The purpose of the QACP is to describe how the Rouse Consulting Team will ensure the quality of services and products delivered to the client. The QACP embraces a process approach to product realization and service delivery. It contains guidance and identifies the procedures used to meet client requirements; measure and analyze results; and make corrections, changes and continual improvements. It delineates authorities, inter-relationships and responsibilities for performing quality assurance and control.

Performance Monitoring and Reporting
Our contract review process helps to ensure that Rouse Consulting understands all tasks, concurs with all tasks and subsequent modification requirements and communicates its concurrence to the client. At least once a month our CEO chairs an In-progress Review (IPR) for each ongoing task. This forum includes key corporate and task management personnel and encompasses a complete review of task progress and future plans to meet all contract requirements. On a routine basis our Project Manager and designees monitor and measure activities to verify that requirements are met throughout the project. It is a responsibility of all Rouse Consulting Team members to continually look for ways to improve the effectiveness of Rouse Consulting Team services. Continual improvement is achieved through the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement activities, lessons learned reviews, and the everyday use of the QACP in tandem with a project specific Project Management Plan.

Contract Deliverables
We never forget that we are responsible for all deliverables associated with the completion of all assigned tasking. All deliverable documents will be completed in an agreed-upon format and maintained in both hard copy and electronic form. Deliverables will undergo an internal peer review conducted by subject matter experts to ensure that they are complete, responsive, and accurate. Deliverables will be prepared on time, edited by a technical writer, placed under configuration control (baselined), and approved by the Rouse Consulting Project Manager prior to delivery to the client in accordance with the contract for approval and acceptance. Subsequent documentation changes will be subject to a technical edit and management approval. Technical and quality controls will be the joint responsibility of the Contractor Manager and Task Order Project Manager.