Rouse Consulting’s professional Human Resources Management staff has nearly three decades of federal classification and position management experience in both traditional and alternate personnel systems.
In support of Navy Strategic Systems Program and Naval Sea Systems Command, Rouse Consulting prepared documents covering over 5000 positions. To develop and/or amend position descriptions, we conducted extensive interviews with managers and employees performing the work, drafted descriptions of that work, evaluated the effectiveness of the distribution of work, and delivered position description drafts and recommendations for improvement.
Our staff has extensive experience in leading large manpower and human resource allocation programs. For example, as lead for Navy’s Position Management Line of Business, Rouse staff was responsible for development of the Navy Manpower Business Strategy and execution to meet current and emerging manpower business requirements and support to ~1500 manpower managers Navy-wide; policy compliance oversight for 734,000 total manpower requirements in Navy’s 6260 commands/activities; and Fleet Manpower Requirement Determination for all ships, submarines, squadrons, and expeditionary units, encompassing over 220,000 positions.
Our processes encompass the full scope of designing manpower studies (using a broad array of Industrial engineering/ quantitative and qualitative analysis methods), data gathering and analysis, calculation of the resulting manpower requirements and staffing standards, production of Manpower Requirement Documents, and a final stakeholder review and approval process.